Press Releases

Media Centre

12 Jun 2024


(Chinese Only)


08 Apr 2024

WangOn Properties Enters a 50/50 Joint Venture With Chevalier to develop Yau Tong Project


04 Jan 2024

宏安地產旗下市區重建商住項目 黃大仙「PHOENEXT 薈鳴」 首張價單推出共50伙 折扣後售價由港幣$3,388,000起 超過 50% 單位折扣後售價將低於港幣400萬元 創新付款辦法及特別折扣 協助人才留港發展 實現置業階梯共享 (Chinese Only)


03 Jan 2024

宏安地產「the met.」精品住宅品牌系列 旗下市區重建商住項目 黃大仙項目「Phoenext 薈鳴」 示範單位矚目登場 1 房及2房單位 間隔方正實用 (Chinese Only)


29 Dec 2023

宏安地產「the met.」住宅品牌系列 旗下市區重建商住項目 東九龍項目「Phoenext 薈鳴」 專享東方侘寂美學風格會所「CLUB PHOENEXT」(Chinese Only)


28 Dec 2023

宏安地產「the met.」住宅品牌系列 旗下市區重建商住項目 東九龍項目「Phoenext 薈鳴」 步行可達「黃大仙轉車站」連繫港九新界 特色巴士車身廣告同步登場 (Chinese Only)


22 Dec 2023

宏安地產「the met.」住宅品牌系列 旗下市區重建商住項目 東九龍項目「Phoenext 薈鳴」 De Dietrich廚房家電均具備香港及歐洲能源效益等級 塑造智慧低碳綠色生活 (Chinese Only)


21 Dec 2023

宏安地產「the met.」住宅品牌系列 旗下市區重建商住項目 東九龍項目「Phoenext 薈鳴」 項目申請光纖接達樓宇標籤計劃 推動智能生活和數碼共融 (Chinese Only)


20 Dec 2023

宏安地產「the met.」住宅品牌系列 旗下市區重建商住項目 東九龍項目「Phoenext 薈鳴」 單位預設多項智能設備 延續智能家居概念 (Chinese Only)


14 Nov 2023

Wang On Properties Completed a Club Loan of HK$314 Million for Finnie St. Project by the 3rd Quarter of 2023


17 Oct 2023

Wang On Properties Completed a SLL of HK$680 Million with greenshoe option and Achieved a 4-Star Rating in GRESB


06 Sep 2023

宏安地產「the met.」系列 黃大仙市區重建商住項目正式命名 「Phoenext 薈鳴」(Chinese Only)


01 Aug 2023

MOUNT POKFULAM -A Unique Luxury House Development in Hong Kong Island


28 Jun 2023

Wang On Properties announces Annual Net Profit amounted to HK$211 million With a Recommended Final Dividend of HK0.69 Cent


17 Jan 2023

Wang On Properties secured a sustainability-linked loan of HK$678.4 million for an Ap Lei Chau Project


29 Dec 2022

Wang On Properties Partners with Angelo, Gordon & Co, L.P. To Acquire Pentahotel, Kowloon


12 Dec 2022

Wang On Properties - HK$1,468 million Sustainability Linked Loan on its King’s Road Project


25 Nov 2022

Wang On Properties 2022 Interim Results Investor Presentation


09 Sep 2022

Wang On Properties Partners with APG to Acquire Prime Site on King’s Road


23 Aug 2022

宏安地產「the met.」精品住宅品牌系列 旺角區全新專案「Larchwood」示範單位首度曝光 型格木系概念開放式及一房戶型(Chinese Only)


17 Aug 2022

宏安地產「the met.」系列 旺角區全新項目「Larchwood」 The Met. Living 全新升級 木系科技生活新體驗 (Chinese Only)


15 Aug 2022

宏安地產「the met.」精品住宅品牌系列 旗下市區 重建 商 住項目 旺角區 項目 正式 命名「 Larchwood 」木系概念雕琢重生 締造西九都會之森型格住宅 (Chinese only)


05 Aug 2022

Wang On Properties converts HK$1,450 million club loan to sustainability-linked loan with six local and international banks


28 Jun 2022

Wang On Properties announces Profit attributable to owners of the parent of approximately HK$285.1 million, with a recommended final dividend of HK 0.75 cent


31 May 2022

JLL to close the largest retail leasing deal in East Kowloon YTD for Maya


10 May 2022

Wang On Properties completed a club loan of HK$1,450 million and targeted to convert it into sustainability-linked loan by the 3rd Quarter of 2022


21 Apr 2022

宏安地產The Met.精品住宅品牌系列 「薈藍The Met.Azure」現樓示範單位隆重登場 一房(開放式廚房)連天台間隔首度曝光 北歐小清新主題佈置打造柔和舒適的生活空間 (Chinese Only)


29 Mar 2022

宏安地產捐贈超過港幣一百萬元善款及物資 全力支持香港抗疫 助社區走出疫境 重建社區精神 (Chinese Only)


25 Oct 2021

【新聞稿】宏安地產與旭輝集團合作發展「maya曦臺」 著名室內設計辦公室KIRA DESIGN 傾力打造平台特色示範單位 綻放東方藝術氣息及現代奢華氛圍 (只限中文)

(2021 年 10 月 25 日,香港)—...


17 Aug 2021

【新聞稿】宏安地產「薈藍 The Met. Azure」尊享皇室御用廚房電器品牌 De Dietrich (只限中文)

(2021年8月17日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)傾力打造的全新精品住宅「薈藍 The Met....


05 Aug 2021

【新聞稿】宏安地產「薈藍 The Met. Azure」銷售詳情 (只限中文)

(2021年8月5日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)傾力打造的全新精品住宅「薈藍 The Met....


04 Aug 2021

宏安地產「薈藍 The Met. Azure」示範單位 (只限中文)

(2021年8月4日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)傾力打造的全新精品住宅「薈藍 The Met....


28 Jul 2021

宏安地產The Met. 精品住宅品牌系列 - 「薈藍 The Met Azure」智能大廈 (只限中文)

(2021年7月28日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)傾力打造的全新精品住宅 「薈藍 The Met....


25 Jun 2021

宏安地產夥拍資深投資者購入屯門鄉事會路88號天生樓商舖項目將重新打造區內民生消費圈 (只限中文)

(2021年6月25日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」或「公司」,股份代號:1243)宣布,宏安地產早前與資深投資者趙朗旗下Turbo Maltese...


03 Jun 2021

宏安地產The Met. 精品住宅品牌系列 - 「薈藍 The Met. Azure」- Club hygge (只限中文)

(2021年6月3日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)傾力打造的「The...


20 May 2021

宏安地產The Met. 精品住宅品牌系列 - 「薈藍 The Met. Azure」(只限中文)

(2021年5月20日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)傾力打造的全新精品住宅「薈藍 The Met....


26 Mar 2021

宏安地產與旭輝集團合作發展「maya曦臺」首度開放高層海景兩房現樓示範單位 主打極簡北歐風格(只限中文)

(2021 年 3 月 26 日,香港)—...


18 Mar 2021

Wang On Properties Names Tsing Yi’s Liu To Road Project

(March 18, 2021, Hong Kong) Wang On Properties ("Wang On Properties", stock code: 1243) successfully established “The Met.” series for quality boutique residential unit development since 2011. To...


28 Dec 2020

日日‧食良Day Day Fresh — THE PARKSIDE商場 即日起至2021年1月31日 呈獻「冬日狂歡大抽獎」 將軍澳居民買餸 隨時贏得智能手機及入煮家電(只限中文)

(2020 年 12月 28日,香港)疫情下,不少在家工作的上班族及「無飯」 家庭,多了留在家中煮食。鄰近將軍澳港鐵站A出口的日日‧食良Day Day Fresh—The...


28 Oct 2020

CIFI Group and Wang On Properties Jointly Acquired 101 King’s Road and 111 King's Road, Fortress Hill

(28 October 2020, Hong Kong) CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Limited (“CIFI”, stock code: 884.HK) and Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243.HK) are pleased to jointly...


09 Oct 2020

位元堂控股與宏安地產愛心攜手送贈中秋福餅予東華三院安老院舍長者 (只限中文)



31 Aug 2020

宏安地產與旭輝集團聯乘著名傢俱品牌 TREE 攜手打造全新現樓示範單位 指定單位送贈傢俬禮劵優惠 (中文)

(2020 年 8 月 31 日,香港)— 宏安地產有限公司(「宏安地產」;股份代號: 1243)與旭輝控股(集團)有限公司(「旭輝集團」;股份代號:884)攜手精...


29 Jun 2020

Wang On Properties Announces 2019/20 Annual Results — Fortify core business to achieve sustainable results

(29 June 2020, Hong Kong) ─ Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, collectively the “Group”; stock code: 1243) is pleased to...


16 May 2020

「泓碧 Altissimo 」 現樓 海 景樓王示範單位 首度曝光 加推「101 按揭貸款計劃」助買家安居置業

碧桂園集團、宏安地產及中國建築國際集團攜手合作打造 的 低密度臨 海豪宅項目 「泓碧 Altissimo 」 位踞 白石半島 珍罕的 臨海地段之上...


05 Mar 2020

宏安地產捐贈1萬支珮氏酒精搓手噴霧 全力支援弱勢社群抗疫

(2020年3月5日,香港訊)─ 宏安地產有限公司(「宏安地產」;股票代號:1243.HK)回應「互助互愛抗疫物資愛心分享行動」,捐贈10,...


26 Jun 2019

Wang On Properties Announces 2018/19 Annual Results Revenue Surged by 109 to Approximately HK$ 2,832,000,000

(26 June 2019, Hong Kong) ─ Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries or the “Group”; stock code: 1243) is pleased to announce...


27 Mar 2019

宏安地產與旭輝集團合作發展「NOUVELLE」系列「maya 曦臺」 以招標形式售出 創項目售價及呎價新高 (Chinese only)

(2019 年 3 月 27 日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司...


14 Mar 2019

宏安地產與旭輝集團合作發展「maya 曦臺」 公佈首張價單共66伙 入場呎價由$15,563^1 港元起 (Chinese only)

(2019年3月14日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)...


12 Mar 2019

油塘全新豪華住宅項目「maya 曦臺」 引入德國頂級廚房家電品牌GAGGENAU 升級締造名廚級尊尚新煮意 (Chinese only)

(2019年3月12日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司...


28 Feb 2019

宏安地產與旭輝集團合作發展「NOUVELLE」系列「maya 曦臺」 傲踞九龍東核心地段 坐擁璀璨維港景致1宏安地產與旭輝集團合作發展「NOUVELLE」系列「maya 曦臺」 傲踞九龍東核心地段 坐擁璀璨維港景致 (Chinese only)

(2019年2月28日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司...


09 Jan 2019

宏安地產The Met. 系列「薈蕎The Met. Acappella」 頂層天台特色戶及特色花園複式戶 現樓示範大宅隆重登場 坐擁綠意盎然 盡享優質愜意生活 (Chinese only)

(2019年 1 月 9 日,香港) 由宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)發展的The Met.系列中低密度豪宅項目「薈蕎 The Met....


20 Nov 2018

Wang On Properties Announces 2018 Interim Results Completion and Delivery of Met. Blossom Contributes to Notable Increase in Revenue

(20 November 2018, Hong Kong) ─ Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties” or the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries or the “Group”; stock code: 1243) is pleased to...


16 Nov 2018

馬鞍山尊尚豪宅項目 「泓碧Altissimo」公布首張價單 即日開放示範單位予公眾參觀

(2018年11月16日─香港) 碧桂園集團首個臨海住宅項目「泓碧...


14 Nov 2018

馬鞍山尊尚豪宅「Altissimo泓碧」即將登場 即日上載樓書 單位間隔率先曝光 坐擁背山面海壯麗景致 尊貴氣派渾然天成 (Chinese only)

[香港.2018年11月13日] 由碧桂園集團、宏安地產及中國建築國際集團攜手合作,精心策劃的馬鞍山尊尚臨海豪宅項目「Altissimo...


31 Oct 2018

Wang On Property “The Met. Acappella” In “The Met.” Series Offers Luxurious 7-Seat Limousine Service Exclusively For Residents Point-To-Point Shuttle To And From Tai Wai MTR Station [1] Provides Easy Access To Leisure And Entertainment Facilities

(31 October 2018 ─ Hong Kong) ─ “The Met. Acappella”, the project in “The Met.” boutique residential property series developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”,...


23 Oct 2018

宏安集團與錦華實業集團發展項目「薈朗The Met. Blossom」 首輪住宅停車位銷售締造佳績 套現逾7,200萬港元 (Chinese only)

(2018年 10月 23日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)與錦華地產合作發展的馬鞍山「薈朗The Met....


18 Oct 2018

Wang On Properties and CIFI Group Jointly Develop New Luxury Residence Brand Series “NOUVELLE” First Project “maya 曦臺” on Shung Shan Street and Sze Shan Street in Yau Tong Set In the Heart of East Kowloon Boasts Stunning Harbour View

(18 October August 2018 ─ Hong Kong) ─ Following the successful launch of the much sought-after boutique residential property series “The Met.”, Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On...


11 Oct 2018

碧桂園集團、宏安地產及中國建築國際集團攜手打造  馬鞍山尊尚臨海豪宅項目正式命名「Altissimo泓碧」  坐擁背山面海壯麗景致 展現白石半島超然氣派 (Chinese only)

[香港.2018年10月11日] 由碧桂園集團、宏安地產及中國建築國際集團攜手合作,精心策劃的馬鞍山低密度尊尚臨海豪宅項目,今天正式命名為「Altissimo...


21 Sep 2018

宏安地產、位元堂 贈送愛心月餅行動 與老友記同慶中秋 (Chinese only)

(2018年9月21日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243) 及位堂藥業控股有限公司 (「位堂」,股份代號:897)...


11 Sep 2018

宏安地產The Met. 系列「薈蕎The Met. Acappella」頂層連天台特色戶平均呎價逾2.6萬 售價及呎價創項目新高 (Chinese only)

(2018年9月11日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)精心發展的「薈蕎The Met....


20 Jun 2018

宏安地產公佈2018年全年業績 溢利大幅增加4,536%至約18億港元

(2018年6月20日,香港) 宏安地產有限公司...


13 Apr 2018

宏安集團慈善素宴 暨 宏安地產上市兩週年誌慶

(2018 年4 月13 日 – 香港)宏安集團一直積極回饋社會,於旗下宏安地產( 股份代號: 1243) 於香港上市兩週年之際, 舉辦慈善素宴,...


11 Apr 2018

Wang On Properties Successfully Wins a Tender for Quality Land Plot in Tsing Yi A Prime Location With Beautiful Surrounding Environment To Develop into Premium Residential Property Series “The Met.”

(Hong Kong, 11 April 2018) – Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) celebrates its 2nd listing anniversary tomorrow, and is pleased to announce that, today it has...


05 Mar 2018

旺角彌敦道575號至575A號全幢連命名權招標 委任世邦魏理仕及中原(工商舖)聯合獨家代理 (Chinese only)

(2018年3月5日,香港) ─ 宏安地產有限公司...


22 Nov 2017


(21 November 2017 – Hong Kong) Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties” or “the Company” together with its subsidiaries, “the Group”; stock code: 1243.HK) is pleased to announce...


09 Nov 2017

宏安地產The Met. 系列「薈蕎The Met. Acappella」 示範單位首度開放及同步公佈首張價單

(2017 年11 月9 日,香港) 由宏安地產有限公司 (「宏安地產」,股份代號:1243)精心發展的The...


01 Nov 2017

Wang On Properties “The Met. Acappella” In Tai Wai Debuts Garden Duplex Unit Layout Enjoys Excellent Location and Transport Connection

(1 November 2017 – Hong Kong) Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) proudly presents the latest boutique residential project under “The Met.” Series, “The...


26 Oct 2017

“The Met. Blossom” & “The Met. Bliss” Façades Near Completion, Boasting Stylish Exterior Design Both Projects Expected To Be Ready For Occupation Next Year

(26 October 2017, Hong Kong) “The Met. Blossom” and “The Met. Bliss”, the brand new residential projects situated at the heart of Ma On Shan and jointly developed by Wang On Properties...


17 Oct 2017

Wang On Properties “The Met. Acappella”, Premium Residential Project Under “The Met.” Series, Obtained Presale Consent

(17 October 2017–Hong Kong) “The Met. Acappella”, the latest project of “The Met.” boutique residential property series ingeniously developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On...


03 Oct 2017

Wang On Properties & Wai Yuen Tong Donate Charity Mooncakes To Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival With Those in Need

(3rd October 2017, Hong Kong) Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) and Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Holdings Limited (“Wai Yuen Tong”, stock code: 897) have been...


26 Sep 2017

Wang On Properties’ Redevelopment Project In Sze Shan Street, Yau Tong Confirmed Its Land Premium Offers 326 Units To Build a new Commercial-Residential Landmark in Yau Tong Bay

(26 September 2017, Hong Kong) The redevelopment project jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) and CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. (“CIFI...


12 Sep 2017

Wang On Properties Introduces Business Partner To Jointly Develop Seaview Land Lot At Whitehead, Ma On Shan

(12 September 2017, Hong Kong) Wang On Group Limited (“Wang On Group”, stock code: 1222) and its 75%-owned Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) are pleased to...


22 Jun 2017

Wang On Properties has successfully acquired seaview land lot at Whitehead, Ma On Shan for Luxurious high-quality residential development project

(22 June 2017, Hong Kong) Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the entire equity interest of the site on Yiu Sha Road in...


14 Jun 2017

Wang On Properties and CIFI Group, One of China’s Top 20 Real Estate Developers, Jointly Develop Yau Tong Commercial and Residential Project In Kowloon East

(14 June 2017, Hong Kong) Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) is pleased to announce the commencement of strategic cooperation agreement with CIFI Holdings (Group)...


12 Apr 2017

Wang On Properties “The Met. Acappella”, Latest Premium Residential Project Under “The Met.” Series Located At Tai Po Road - Tai Wai In Sha tin, Enjoys Lush Mountainous Views^ And Symphony Of Nature

(12 April 2017 – Hong Kong) Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) presents our latest boutique residential project at Tai Po Road - Tai Wai in Sha Tin, after our...


07 Oct 2016

'The Met. Bliss', the trendy and vibrant residential project, unveiled show flats and its first price list

(7 October 2016, Hong Kong) Jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited (‘Wang On Properties’, stock code: 1243) and Kam Wah Property, we are pleased to unveil show flats of “The Met....


27 Sep 2016

'The Met. Bliss', Hang Kwong Street project jointly developed by Wang On Properties and Kam Wah Property, has obtained presale consent and pushing ahead its launch

(27 September 2016, Hong Kong) 'The Met. Bliss', a boutique residential project at Hang Kwong Street in Ma On Shan, which is jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited ('Wang On Properties',...


30 Aug 2016

Wang On Properties and Kam Wah Property “The Met. Blossom”, Ma On Shan’s boutique residential project, 98% sold out in two weeks with satisfaction

(30 August 2016, Hong Kong) Jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) and Kam Wah Property, “The Met. Blossom”, a residential project in the...


09 Aug 2016

“The Met. Blossom” The latest boutique residential project, unveiled show flats and its first price list

(9 August 2016, Hong Kong) Jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) and Kam Wah Property, we are pleased to unveil the show flats of “The Met....


27 Jul 2016

“The Met. Blossom” The Latest Boutique Residential Project Firstly introduce installation of famous British kitchen appliances brand Baumatic’s latest steam oven leading a healthy living

“The Met. Blossom”, jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) and Kam Wah Property, is the latest boutique residential project in the center of...


07 Jul 2016

Wang On Properties and Kam Wah Properties Jointly Develop The Latest Boutique Residential Projects of 'The Met.' Series – Hang Kwong Street Project 'The Met. Bliss' and Ma Kam Street Project “The Met. Blossom”, Possessing The Unique Advantage Of Being Along The Ma On Shan Line

(7 July 2016 – Hong Kong) “The Met.” boutique residential property series jointly developed by Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, stock code: 1243) and Kam Wah Properties...


30 May 2016

Wang On Properties Listing on the Main Board By Donating To The Community Chest

Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties”, together with its subsidiaries, “Group”, Stock Code: 1243) recently listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong celebrated...


29 Apr 2016

Wang On Properties Notches Up Strategic Brand Award 2016 –Strategic Property Developer

Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties” or “the Company”, Stock Code: 1243; together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), a property developer in Hong Kong, awarded the...


13 Apr 2016

Wang On Properties' share price closed at HK$1.05 on first trading day

Shares of Wang On Properties Limited (“Wang On Properties” or “the Company”, Stock Code: 1243; together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), a property developer in Hong Kong, commenced...
